
Learn how to send email notifications.


  1. Channel: Set the channel field in your notification payload to "EMAIL".

  2. Delivery Location: Specify the email address where you want the notification sent in the delivery_location field.

Example Payload:

  "channel": "EMAIL",
  "delivery_location": ""

Notification Formats:

The email sent to the user will include:

  • Subject: This can be customized using the notification_name field in the request payload or a default template.

  • Body: The content of the notification, which can be customized using the template field in the request payload or a default template. This can include dynamic variables from the event data (e.g., transaction amount, token type).

Default Template:

Subject: New {{network}} Activity


  • From {{fromAddress}} to {{toAddress}}

  • Token: {{asset}}

  • Value: {{value}}

  • Transaction Hash: {{hash}}

Default Example:

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